Join the Summer 2025 Team!

Are you looking to do something this summer to push you out of your comfort zone? Do you love working with kids and having them impact your life more than you could impact theirs? If yes to any of those, camp ministry could be for you. Our summer team at it’s core is dedicated to serving the Lord, loves kids, knows how to bring the fun to any situation, and strives to always pour out love towards one another.

We know you could be doing internships, jobs, or summer classes instead but we truly believe there’s no better way to spend your summer than investing into and loving on kids. We’re looking for fun and responsible staff who love God, kids, and the outdoors. While you are shouting team chants, teaching how to roast the perfect marshmallow, and leading an Adventure Ball attack, you will have the chance to love kids as Christ loves them…and that can be life-changing for both you and your campers!

Have you always wondered what it is like to be a part a camp summer staff? Watch our 2022 staff video and 2022 staff testimonials video to check out what it means to be part of the Camp Cedar Cliff family. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel for other camp videos too!

Apply Online

Create your login credentials and apply now! Applications are LIVE starting August 9, 2024. If you already have a CampMinder login, it’ll prompt you to enter your password before beginning the 2025 application.

At any time you can hit ‘Save for Later’ and come back to your application before submitting.

Login to an Existing CampMinder Account

Already have a CampMinder account? Click this link to login to your existing CampMinder account. From your account, staff can view forms, reminders, update your contact information, view pictures and more!

Positions Available


Assistant Counselor In Training

The ACIT program is our leadership program designed to transition campers into counselors. You will be challenged to grow in your relationship with Christ as well as practice servant leadership. You work in the Dining Hall, Kitchen, Trading Post, Work Crew, and camp-out equipment room. You also do weekly Bible studies with your Coordinators and fellow ACITs along with fun outings on the weekend breaks. You’ll even get a chance to put your new knowledge into practice by assisting a Day Camp pod for a week. The ACIT program is one of the most challenging roles at camp yet also the most rewarding!

  • Must be at least 15 years old to participate by the start of summer
  • NEW FOR 2024– Pay: $111.11/week for 9 weeks (can earn $1,000 for the summer!)
  • Required staff training week: June 1-7, 2025
  • Camp dates: June 8-August 3, 2025


Assistant Counselor

ACs are counselors in either a residential cabin or a Day Camp pod, typically alternating each week. You will be directly involved in camper’s lives, teaching them camp activities and leading them spiritually through devotions and group discussions, as well as leading by example. You will work on a team with a college-aged Senior Counselor. This role is all about bringing the FUN to each campers week at camp.

  • Must be a current junior/senior in high school or have completed the ACIT program
  • Pay: $165/week for 9 weeks
  • Required staff training week: June 1-7, 2025
  • Camp dates: June 8-August 3, 2025


Senior Counselor

SCs are the tip of the arrow at camp. All other staff are here to make sure the SCs are supported so they can be leading their campers well. Our counselors lead each residential cabin of either guys or girls. You’ll have up to 10 each week. You will be directly involved in camper’s lives, teaching them camp activities and leading them spiritually through Bible studies and group discussions, as well as leading by example. You will work on a team with a high school-aged Assistant Counselor, mentoring and guiding them as well. It’s truly a special job that we are very selective about. If you have a heart for kids and sharing God’s word, this could be for you!

  • Previous camp experience preferred, but not required
  • Must be at least one year out of high school (ie. college freshman year completed at start of summer + up)
  • Pay: $220/week for 9 weeks
  • Required staff training week: June 1-7, 2025
  • Camp dates: June 8-August 3, 2025


Senior Staff

You are the management, leadership and support staff of camp. You set the tone for the counseling staff as the oldest summer staff leaders. You will have the opportunity to mentor younger staff as well. There are 30 Senior Staff positions available during summer; responsibilities range from leading the Work Crew team to managing the ACs to making videos. You may apply for a specific position and we’ll work with you to determine place of best fit. See the Senior Staff jobs available below with a quick snapshot at what the job is all about. For more details, please feel free contact the camp office or email us at

  • Previous camp experience preferred, but not required
  • Must be at least 20-21 years old by start of summer, unless otherwise noted
  • Pay: $275/week for 10 weeks
  • Required staff training week: May 23-June 7, 2025
  • Camp dates: June 8-August 3, 2025

Available Senior Staff Positions: (in order A-Z)

        • ACIT Coordinator (1 Male)
          • Mentors our Assistant Counselors in Training. Leads weekly Bible studies and meetings for ACITs. Male assists with kitchen and dining hall oversight. Female assists with laundry and camp store oversight.
        • Archery Instructor
          • Leads our archery skills program. Teaches campers how to safely and properly use a bow and arrow. Prior experience required.
        • Crafts Instructor
          • Leads our pottery skills program. Teaches campers about pottery molding/firing and leather stamping. Prior experience encouraged.
        • Dining Hall Supervisor
          • Assists Kitchen Team in plating meals and setting tables in dining hall. Responsible for great customer service during meals times.
        • Horse Wrangler (2 of 2 available)
          • Leads our trail ride program. Maintains care of our horses, stables, and trail.
          • Lifeguard
            • Guards during all camper and staff swim times. Assists Swimming Coordinator in swim tests and pool deck safety. Must be lifeguard certified.
            • SC Coordinator (1 Female)
              • Mentors our Senior Counselors. Leads meetings for SCs. Facilities high ropes when needed.
            • Trading Post Coordinator
              • Oversees camp store (Trading Post).Ensures inventory is managed, handles point-of-sale, cleanliness. Marginal: Ensures cabins are cleaned weekly through cabin inspections. Designates team members with their cleaning responsibilities each week.
            • Videographer
              • Films each session of camp and compiles the highlights into a weekly video that we upload to our YouTube page. See prior videos for what we’re looking for here.
            • Work Crew Lead
              • Leads work crew team in landscaping, lawn care and special summer work projects. Works closely with our full-time Grounds Manager.
            • Work Crew Team (2 of 2 positions available, does not have to be 21)
              • Works with Work Crew Lead to ensure camp property is well-kept and maintained. Prior experience in lawn care encouraged.

            Filled Senior Staff Positions: (in order A-Z)

            • ACIT Coordinator (1 Female)
              • Mentors our Assistant Counselors in Training. Leads weekly Bible studies and meetings for ACITs. Male assists with kitchen and dining hall oversight. Female assists with laundry and camp store oversight.
            • AC Coordinator (1 Male and 1 Female)
              • Mentors our Assistant Counselors. Leads meetings for ACs. Assists with weekly camp-outs and pack-in.
            • AV/Media Lead
              • Runs all AV/Media aspects for group gatherings, services and outdoor games. Prior experience encouraged.
            • Day Camp Coordinator (0 of 2 Available)
              • Works in partnership with our Day Camp Director to lead Day Camp each week through counselor management, scheduling, planning games and more. 
            • Facilities Assistant
              • Assists our Facilities Manager with building upkeep/maintenance projects, roads and structures.
            • Kitchen Lead
              • Oversees all meals during camp season under our Food Service Manager’s leadership. Leads kitchen team in providing excellent, tasty food.
            • Kitchen Assistant (does not have to be 21)
              • Assists Kitchen Lead in prepping, cooking, and plating meals for camp season.
            • Mountaineer Coordinator (1 Male and 1 Female)
              • Oversees our Mountaineer camp 2-week program. Facilitates camp-outs, high ropes, rappelling and hiking trips.
            • Nurse Assistant
              • Assists our weekly RN in caring for sick or injured campers and staff. Responsible for logging all medication disbursements and camper medical records.
            • Office Assistant (0 of 2 available)
              • Manages the camp office. Primary tasks include answering phones, registration, mail delivery, and camp store oversight. Works with full-time office team.
            • Photographer (0 of 2 available)
              • Captures all aspects of camp (both day camp and overnight).
            • Program Assistant (2 of 2 available)
              • Assists in leading camp stage games, field games, activities. Brings the hype to every gathering.
            • Rec Lead
              • In charge of leading all residential camp games: setup, facilitating, cleanup and tracking scores throughout the weeks! Will periodically be in front of campers to give updates and announcements.
            • SC Coordinator (1 Male)
              • Mentors our Senior Counselors. Leads meetings for SCs. Facilities high ropes when needed.
            • Swimming Coordinator
              • Oversees all swim times and camper swim tests. Manages pool chemical levels and pool deck safety. Must be lifeguard certified
            • Wilderness Instructor
              • Leads our wilderness skill that camper’s get to participate in! Teaches campers the skills of knot tying, how to start a fire, build a shelter and more! Training provided but any previous outdoor leadership encouraged.


            • Once applications are submitted, we will review them and set-up interviews accordingly. The earlier you apply, the better! All of your references must be in before we will schedule your interview.
            • Please note that we reserve the right to schedule individual interviews during business hours, M-F 9am-5pm. All interviews will be conducted via Zoom.
            • We primarily communicate via email so be sure to check it frequently for updates.

            Questions? Contact or call Hayley Duerstock at 828-450-3331.


            Due to the amount of applications we receive, we typically do not reach out until all 3 references have been received. Once your application is submitted and all 3 references are in, we will reach out via email to schedule an interview.

            References are required as part of the application process. When you are applying online, we ask for 3 – 1 that is a parent/guardian and 2 that are not related to you. As soon as you submit your application online, the email address you put for each of those 3 people sends an automatic email requesting them to complete our reference form. We encourage applicants to let their references know to be expecting an email from CampMinder. This is were the majority of applications get stalled…either their references never finish the reference form or applicants never follow-up on them.

            If you’re ever not sure how many we’re still waiting from, feel free to contact Hayley @ and she can resend the request to the remaining references.

            We hire about 100 summer staff each year who lead the summer program.

            You can apply online for the following summer after our new application goes live each August.

            Our team works all weeks of the summer – we don’t hire for partial summer positions.

            Our summer staff stay in cabins. Counseling staff stay with campers and rotate cabins each week. Senior Staff stay in our lower level cabins and stay in the same cabin all summer.

            Staff Perks

            • We have a rich heritage. Back in the 80s, this property was the Cove Camp which was started by Billy Graham. The camp closed in 2005 and we re-opened as our own non-profit in 2006 as Camp Cedar Cliff.
            • You’ll have 100 new best friends. Camp culture is a really unique thing…alot of staff come knowing no one and leave with friends they can’t imagine life without.
            • You get to stretch yourself. Camp pushes your boundaries, exhausts you and fills you with more joy than you can think.
            • We’re 5 minutes from Chick-Fil-A. Joking but not really. We’re unique in that our camp is on 300 acres of mountainous forest but super close to downtown Asheville. Many camps like ours are set far away from city hubs so we’re grateful. Plus we eat CFA every Monday night. #blessed
            • We offer internships. Depending on your major in college, you can use the summer as an internship. Similarly, we offer year-round internships where you serve on our full-time team after summer camp ends. We typically select from our summer staff so it’s a great opportunity for that as well.
            • We can’t do summer camp without amazing staff so whenever we get the chance to show them how much we love them, we do. We typically do Chaco or other vendor ProDeals for our team so you can get gear if you need it for camp.

            A few of our Counselor Testimonies:

            Camp Cedar Cliff allowed me a safe space to grow skills that could only be nurtured in a camp environment. The attention to detail and care for my life has changed me for the foreseeable future.”

            “This summer I was astounded to see how directly the Lord spoke to me and delivered direct answers to prayers.”

            “Really encouraging and invigorating to share Christ with my campers and to see them grow so far in their faith which, in turn, has also helped me grow!”

            “This summer showed me what community is supposed to look like, and gave me an opportunity to share the gospel daily with campers in a way I would have never gotten outside of here. I have learned so much and absolutely love working at camp!”

            “This summer pushed me out of my comfort zone in the best ways. It was my first time having the opportunity to share the gospel with children, and the way that helped me grow in my walk with God was unexpected but amazing.”

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